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Rayner Mayer

YDGS Autumn Show 2018

Yateley and District Garden Society Annual Show 2018

Yateley and District Garden Society held its 51st annual Flower, Produce and Handicrafts Show in St Peters Church, Yateley on Saturday 24th August. There were 260 entries from 48 participants.

In spite of the prolonged summer drought, there was a sparkling display of flowers and a wide variety of fruit and vegetables of which tomatoes were the most numerous entries, a reflection of the intense summer sunshine experienced this year. There were also 7 baskets which displayed 5 or more types of vegetables.

The best exhibit in the flower arrangement section was ‘On Golden Pond’ reflecting the book title. There were a very large number of entries in the cake section which could be either honey, banana or courgette. Amongst the handicrafts, two striking exhibits were a collage using driftwood, pebbles and shells and a miniature set of buildings comprising a village assembled from glass beads.

Tony Buckle won the Brooks Trophy for the most points in the Show and Cherie Cheetham, the Kent Trophy as the people’s choice with a very large deformed butternut squash.

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