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Tony Buckle

55th AGM & "Green Spaces in HART"

After welcoming everybody to the 55th AGM, our Chairman Tony Buckle conducted the proceedings. The minutes of the 54th AGM were approved. Tony thanked everybody who had helped the YDGS in some way during the past 12 months and the officers for the ensuing year were re-elected, there not being any new faces coming forward.

Our scheduled speaker testing positive for COVID-19 on the day before the AGM and not being able to attend, we are very thankful to Richard Quarterman who at extremely short notice gave an update on the Yateley, Darby Green and Frogmore Neighbourhood Plan, which has now been submitted for inspection with Hart District Council and the Government Inspectorate. We expect the approved plan to be submitted for a public referendum later in the year, with a possible target date of the end of June. Richard briefly outlined the work done during the COVID-19 pandemic, the 15 policy areas in the plan, and explained how the Yateley Town Council will be promoting the plan to residents through their website, social media, the newsletter distributed to every household in the Town Council area and the May Fair on Yateley Green. Richard also answered members questions on some recent planning matters.


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