At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Yateley & District Gardening Society on 14th March, members voted to donate raffle proceedings from their meetings in 2022 to the "Yateley Community Pantry" at Yateley Industries.
On Monday 27th March YDGS Chairman and Treasurer Tony Buckle and Hazel Goddard presented a cheque to the value of £572.50 to Sheldon McMullan who is the CEO at Yateley Industries. After a tour of the site he explained that the pantry relied heavily on volunteers and that our donation would be put towards helping those that need it most. He added that our donation would help with the fitting of a new kitchen to allow a new Community Cafe to be created. This in partnership with a new on-site Community Allotment will help generate a cycle of fresh seasonal food which will further help and support the community and reduce food waste. Sheldon thanked YDGS for the donation and said that it was much appreciated.