A cheque for £2,330 was presented to Dr Karl Bennett and Sister Melanie Bott by Hazel Goddard and Dick Ashwell of the Yateley & District Gardening Society. The money was raised by members of the society from six plant sales held during May this year at which plants grown by the members were sold, with the proceeds being donated for the purchase of medical equipment. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Yateley sufficient funds were generated to buy a MESI ABPI portable automatic Doppler machine able to provide a quick, easy and accurate assessment of Peripheral Arterial Disease in less than one minute.
This represents a massive improvement in the assessment of patients with diabetes and leg ulcers and should reduce the appointment time from 1 hour to 20 minutes. Additionally, this equipment can be more readily used by a wider range of healthcare personnel, including community nurses previously not possible with the former equipment, so Oakley Health Group is now embarking on a training programme to widen its usage.